2003 Monaco, the signature of this sculptor,
This signature is not understood
What's the name?
2003 Monaco, the signature of this sculptor,
This signature is not understood
What's the name?
foreigner's handwritten signature, for which I was very difficult,
This signature,
What is it?
2003 Monaco, the signature of this sculptor,This signature is not understood
What's the name?
It is the signature of the engraver: Pierre Albuisson
For a comparison see here:
PIERRE ALBUISSON EPREUVE de Luxe signature - EUR 20,00 | PicClick FR
foreigner's handwritten signature, for which I was very difficult,
This signature,
What is it?
This one is the engraver Claude Haley
It is the signature of the engraver: Pierre Albuisson
For a comparison see here:
PIERRE ALBUISSON EPREUVE de Luxe signature - EUR 20,00 | PicClick FR
Hello, Tucholsky
thank you very much for your help!
To be honest, it is very difficult for me to distinguish the personalized handwritten signatures of foreigners.
They are very similar to Chinese calligraphy, so you have to master the laws.
Frenchman Pierre Albuisson, this signature is too personal and amazing。。。
Hello xiaolin
Don't worry about being unable to read signatures. There are no laws or rules regarding this and most signatures are only illegible scrawls, rather easy to imitate in many cases.
Hello xiaolin
Don't worry about being unable to read signatures. There are no laws or rules regarding this and most signatures are only illegible scrawls, rather easy to imitate in many cases.
Hello, Jean Philippe
you are right. In the future, I will strengthen my study, especially how to know foreigners' handwritten signatures.
This can be difficult... .