The German ganzsache,
Where does it send it to?
What is the handwritten address?
The forum changed style, I don't like this style
The German ganzsache,
Where does it send it to?
What is the handwritten address?
The forum changed style, I don't like this style
Hello Xiaolin,
look beyond the answer-field, there is a button "Dateiänhänge". With this button you can apply pictures
greetings, Burkhardt
Hello Xiaolin,
look beyond the answer-field, there is a button "Dateiänhänge". With this button you can apply pictures
greetings, Burkhardt
Thank you very much! I saw this style, I was at a loss.
The adress of your Ganzsache is:
unknown freiwiliiger Gefreiter
Karl Neuschaefer
Cannstadt (today written Bad Cannstatt)
Hess. Leibg. Reg. 115-8
The receiver of this letter was a soldier, who was in the https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibgarde…isches)_Nr._115
An den
einjährigen freiwilligen Gefreiten
Karl Neuschaefer
Hess. Leibg. Reg. 115 - 8. Comp.
see: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibgarde…isches)_Nr._115
okay, mx5schmidt is right, my fault...
Darmstadt is the town, not Cannstadt...
Korrekte Adresse:
An den
Einj. freiw. Gefreiter
Karl Neuschaefer
Hess. Leibg. Reg. 115 - 8. Comp
PS. Zu langsam
thank you very much!
Here I got joy, happiness, and knowledge
In addition,
Banned for 70 years, Hitler autobiography "My Struggle" complete Chinese version of the book, published in 2016 in Singapore Nanyang Publishing House, it is the world's first complete translation of the original text from German, the original word is not deleted, Translated by Mr. Wang Cheng, who had long lived in Germany, and merged the upper and lower volumes of German with about 500,000 words.
Singapore Nanyang Press Address:
Hitler Autobiography "My Struggle" Complete Chinese Version Books
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