Hi, I'm Italian and I collect variety of watermarks and perforations of the Italian and the German area.
I would like to contact others with my interests.
Looking for specialists Diensmarken A.
variety of watermarks and perforations of the Italian and the German area
ciao francesco e come stai e welcome at the Forum.
Sure, you will find collectors for watermarks and perforations for Germany, Dienstmarken A.
For Italy, I dont know. I am coillecting italian stamps but just the normal editions. Maybe there is someone in here who collects the watermarks and perforation from Italy you are searching for.
Good luck e stai bene, buon giorgno
Hello Valgrande
Thank you for the welcome. Let me advise you to keep your stamps watermarks. The Italian Republic, from 1945 to 1955, has the watermark "winged wheel", with 3 different types. From 1955 on, the "Carpet of Stars', with 4 different types.
The Syracusan series, printed for the first time in 1953 with watermark wheel of type 3, remained in circulation until 1988, and reprinted in various shows all types of watermark. As a kid I started collecting with this series. -
Hello framar,
sure, I know that the Italian stamps have different types of watermarks. I just didn't know the exact name of one was called "winged wheel".
Thank you for your perfect explanation.Hope, you will find someone here for the watewrmarks and Dienstmarken A, good luck.