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Foreign flags and emblems
Only less than a handful of foreign flags and emblems appeared on Israeli stamps. The leading foreign flag was the USA flag which appeared on 3 stamps, one of which together with the flags of the UK and USSR. But the first foreign flag that appeared on Israeli flag was also the "mother of all flags", the Danish flag.
The "Dannebrog" appeared on a stamp that was issued on Oct. 23, 1973, for the 30th anniversary of the rescue of the Jews in Denmark. The stamp commemorates the courage of the Danish people who saved most of
the Danish Jews by transferring them in fishing boats to Sweden.
The USA come next. Apart from the ZOA flag that was already mentioned, the USA flag appeared on the "200 years to the American revolution" stamp (issued Apr. 25, 1976. Artist: A. Lukac)
USA flag together with the flags of the United Kingdom and USSR appeared also on "50 years after the end of WW2" which appeared on Apr. 25, 1995.
One stamp also had imaginary flags. The stamp that was issued in March, 11,1968 when Israe l hosted a football tournament, included imaginary flags arranged in the shape of a football.
Foreign emblems didn't appear on Israeli stamps unless you regard the 12
European stars and the UN emblem as such.
Zu der gezeigten Marke Israel Nr. 596 "passt" noch die Info aus dem Buch "The routledge Atlas of the Holocaust" von Martin Gilbert, wonach im September 1943 insgesamt 7.906 Juden auf diesem Weg aus Dänemark nach Schweden entkamen.
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