...please look somewhere at: leomemmi (red marked) and than "Meine aktuellen Fehllisten". Greetings to Spain, leomemmi

New member
I don´t understand very much, but I try it.
Greetings.Sellos mundi
US stamps
US stapms (2)
French stamps
French stamps (2)
Europe stamps
Eorope stamps (2)
Europe stamps (3)
Europe stamps (4)
In a few days I´ll put spanish stamps.
GreetingsSellos mundi
Gral Franco
King Juan Carlos I (big)
King Juan Carlos I (small)
King Juan Carlos I
Hola Sellos Mundi,
just sent you a mail for some trade .... if you are interested in French stamps as well that is a country we could also exchange.All the best
Coimbra -
After having realized several changes with some collectors of this forum and having been a positive experience, I would like to continue changing with more persons. I have many Spanish stamps to change
You don't have stamps from New Zealand, by any chance?
Yes, no so much, but I have some of them.
Hello Dear friend,greetins from"neer you"Marbella.
Frend.....¿Have You steel got that 3º stamp,looking from left to right?
from You french offer?I don´t have that one and like to exchange it to You,for one of Your manco list.
Regards from Your friend ---- leon_sellos