Dear Carolina Pegleg,
The following is just for better explaining ( I am not willing to cause any inconvenience and therefore I will continue my project without further disturbing you all).
I am in the exploratory phase of my research, trying to get insights on my general object of study (generally said: stamp collection and culture & the Internet). My field is Consumer behavior. I am adopting an academic wellknown methodology called “netnography” (see Kozinets, 1998 “On Netnography. Initial Reflections on Consumer Research Investigations of Cyberculture” and 2002) which is “… a new qualitative methodology that adapts ethnographic research techniques to the study of cultures and communities emerging through computer-mediated-communication.” This inductive method can be –as I have studied – very useful in the initial exploratory phases of research and must be developed with a participatory, very open and not structured approach. It requires you to become part of the life and conversations of that community.The ethical guidelines that I studied I have to follow are: 1) disclosure of my presence, 2) ensure anonymity to informants, 3) incorporate feedback from members. An additional guideline (suggested, even if not required in public spaces) is about asking for the permission of quoting specific personal comments, if I will decide to include them in my research output.
Again, sorry if I caused any inconvenience and many thanks for the suggestion about Ayn Rand's essay.
My best Sasky
Beiträge von sasky
Dear Carolina Pegleg and dear all,
I'm sorry if I gave this bad impression.
But my work and my research is real.
And I absolutely don't want to violate any "right".
I'm just at the beginning of my work, and I'm just trying to understand a bit more of this "world".
Of course I'm not collecting "random data". I'm just trying to "interact" with some passionate and experts, to try to understand why do people collect, and why do they participate to such forums. It is a way to understand if there is an "online world of philately"... that's all!Again, sorry but I'm not here to "cheat" anyone.
But, if it cause any problem, I will immediately stop it.
thanks Lacplesis...
So you are very active online, right? You also buy/sell online? where?
Do you think that people participating in such forums also go to "offline" exhibitions? I ask this because during the last two month I had the possibility to visit different "exhibitions" (in Sindelfingen, Paris, and Bellinzona), where I collected some information making interviews. Well, people here were not really active online... neither in forums or in auctions...
dear Alec,
many thanks for your answer... it would be a pleasure for me, to have the possibility to exchange some mail with you... I can "feel" your big experience in the fielI'm new here... how can I use the "PN option"? just pushing the "link" PN and sending you a message?
It's really interesting for me...THANKS may I ask you... why are you interested in Russia and learning russian? you are from German, right?
So... is it right to think that collecting stamps or other related items can be sort of "intellectual stimulation"?? Or it is just something to pass the time?
It's long time you participate in the forum? why do you participate? to find stamps? information? Do you also participate in other forums??
what kind of information do you seek?
MANY MANY are giving me important "suggestions"
Yes, the world of philately is really big
many thanks for your answer... are you a stamp collector? or a philatelist?
Anyway...WHY do you collect stamps???
As "non collector" it is really difficult for me to understand...
I'm sasky, and I'm writing from Lugano (Switzerland).
I'm actually not (jet?) a stamp collector, but I'm working on my Ph.D. project regarding stamp collectors and their community-related behaviors and orientations...
I'm totally new in this fascinating "world" of philately, and I'm looking for people helping me to understand it.
Here my decision to participate to the forumIn particular I'm trying to understand:
why do people collect stamps? what are the motivations behing stamp collecting?
where do people actually buy stamps? Do collectors utilize internet in relation to their passion?
... and lot of more questionsI hope to find someone so kind in helping me...