I have recently received a lot of these stamps. Here is the first post, related to the Cartwheel marking ('Rueda de Carreta' in Spanish) from Barcelona, RC 2.
Here I show a comparison of the numeral. I am guessing that there are at least six unique types, and perhaps more. It is easy to categorize a single type as two because the same type can look quite deferently depending on wear.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.somestamps.com/images-articles/articles-351-400/351-cuatro-cuartos-1860-RC-2/posts-1/RC-2-numerals-600.jpg]
I found one type repeated and with a small bump at 7 o'clock.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.somestamps.com/images-articles/articles-351-400/351-cuatro-cuartos-1860-RC-2/posts-1/RC-2-type-1.jpg]
I also find a few other with breaks. These look like breaks and not gaps caused by the angle at which the mark was punched on the stamp.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.somestamps.com/images-articles/articles-351-400/351-cuatro-cuartos-1860-RC-2/posts-1/cuatro-cuartos-1860-RC2-09-5-450.jpg]
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.somestamps.com/images-articles/articles-351-400/351-cuatro-cuartos-1860-RC-2/posts-1/cuatro-cuartos-1860-RC2-20-4-450.jpg]
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.somestamps.com/images-articles/articles-351-400/351-cuatro-cuartos-1860-RC-2/posts-1/cuatro-cuartos-1860-RC2-21-4-450.jpg]
I also have Picasa web albums of the stamps and the numerals here: